FIRST DAY BREATHING UNDERWATER!! Just started my open water scuba certification course, and man oh man I can’t wait to put these skills to good use. Sharks, alligators, manatees, crocs, and grouper;these are the animals I plan on seeing deep underwater chilling with for extended lengths of time. Also did a bit of freediving today and swam with 2 bull sharks and a decent lemon shark. Such a great time learning the trade from my epic scuba instructor Tim Sterbens. No longer will this be a problem when I want to travel and see underwater wrecks and deep ocean life. Thanks for the great photo @taylermackenziie it was great to meet you and had a great time doing our first days of scuba at the same time👍. And a special thanks to @gatorboys_chris for going out there and getting his advanced requirements done like they were no problem and for getting me out there today!